Jukka Kaisla

Ph.D. (Econ.)


- psychological economics
- evolutionary economics
- buddhist psychology
- multidimensionality of consciousness

Projects and research interests

Learning and critical thinking.  People have increasing difficulties in perceiving what is what in reality. Easy access to expanding information has brought some less beneficial effects: people follow hearsay and consider opinions as truths, and empirical facts as opinions. Gossip, opinion, information, and knowledge become all mixed together. We do not know why we think the way we do because we are not in contact with our very own mind. We are like guests in our own home.

Critical thinking has been with us for a long time and it is part of the evolution whose outcomes we enjoy every day. The importance of critical thinking is not self-evident, however, not even at the university level which should provide training and practice in creative and analytical thinking. My aim is to promote methods of critical thinking for students to learn and practise their metacognitive skills, which offer significant value in their paths of life.
Tietoisuuden moniulotteisuus on haastava käsite erityisesti niille, joiden uskomukset perustuvat materiaalis-nihilistiseen käsitykseen todellisuudesta (vain materia on olemassa, eikä sekään ole mistään kotoisin). Tiedämme empiirisesti, että tietoisuutemme toimii useissa ei-fyysisissä ulottuvuuksissa, minkä kanssa materialistinen tiedekäsitys on yhä lisääntyvissä hankaluuksissa, kun sen ydinosat fysiikkaa myöten alkavat tunnistamaan ja hyväksymään ilmiöitä, joita ei ole aiemmin uskallettu lausua ääneen. Aiheeseen pääsee tutustumaan täällä: Moniulotteinen/Multidimensional

Articles, videos and publications

Yamk-opinnäytetyö toimintatutkimuksena omassa organisaatiossa V. 1.0 (2023.11) PDF Kuinka tehdään toimintatutkimusta liiketalouden maisteriohjelman opinnäytetyönä omassa organisaatiossa.
Oppiminen ja identiteetti PDF (2022) Menetelmä rajattomaan oppimiseen.
OnePage pedagogisena menetelmänä MP3 Podcast (2022) Pedagogin hetki -podcast sarja, Metropolia.
OnePage-menetelmän alkutaival 2011-2019 PDF (2019) Kuvaus menetelmän synnystä ja ensimmäisen 9 vuoden kokemuksista.
OnePage (en) Method in Critical Thinking PDF (2011-2020)  A pedagogy for the internet era. Article contains instructions for the method.
OnePage (fi) Menetelmä kriittiseen ajatteluun PDF (2011-2020) Internet-ajan pedagogia. Artikkeli sisältää ohjeistuksen menetelmään.

The Nature of Reality PDF (2021) Method for perceiving the reality from the personality's perspective.
Todellisuuden luonne PDF (2021) Menetetelmä todellisuuden ymmärtämiseen persoonan näkökulmasta.

Google's Impact on Learning and Innovation: A Psychological Approach Prezi (2013) Presentation at 4th Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference at Kyungpook National University, South Korea.
Choice Behaviour: Looking for Remedy to Some Central Logical Problems in Rational Action  PDF (2003) Kyklos, vol. 56 (2), pp. 245-262. Editor's assessment.
AN EVOLUTIONARY APPROACH TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL THEORY OF THE FIRM, in: Jensen, H. S. et al. (2003) The Evolution of Scientific Knowledge. Chelterham: Edward Elgar.
RULES, CHOICE, AND ECONOMIC ORGANISATIONS: An Inquiry into Procedural and Consequential Considerations of Rules PDF (2002) Copenhagen Business School. This Doctoral Thesis was accepted as it is, with no alterations.
Extending the Constitutional Theory of the Firm by Introducing Conventions PDF (2001) IVS working paper series.
Rationality And Rule Following: On Procedural and Consequential Interests of the Rule-guided Individual PDF (2001) IVS working paper series.
Constitutional Dynamics of the Open Source Software Development PDF (2001) IVS working paper series.
MARKET PROCESS AND THE FIRM: Some Indications of Rule-following and Entrepreneurship Under Genuine Uncertainty PDF (1998). Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics (DRUID) working paper series.
DISCOVERY IN THE MARKET AND RULE-MAKING: Combining Spontaneity and Design PDF (1997) Master's Thesis in economics. This thesis won fully-funded phd-project. Read the phd thesis and judge for yourself if they wasted their money.

copyright Jukka Kaisla